Rabu, 09 November 2011

Recents of The Hunger Games

Some news are brought to you this week from our beloved series, The Hunger Games. Including: Katniss' new still, issue about The Hunger Games official trailer, and the hairstyles of the casts revealed by the head hairstylist herself.

1. Katniss is shooting her bow
 Her outfit is the same as what she wore in the picture shows herself and Gale sitting in the forest.

2. The Hunger Games trailer in Breaking Dawn is now being issued
It's a theory that fans of The Hunger Games have been tossing around for months now -- and it's looking more likely that the first full-length trailer for The Hunger Games will, indeed, debut with The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn: Part 1.
The first part of The Twilight Saga finale hits theaters in less than two weeks, on November 18th. A new flier has made its way online via Tumblr, which shows Lionsgate requesting theaters play The Hunger Games trailer along with Breaking Dawn: Part 1.
It specifically mentions "The Hunger Games Trailer Version 2 (2:30)," which corraborates earlier reports that the full-length trailer would have a running time of two minutes, thirty seconds.
Of course, this information has NOT been confirmed by Lionsgate, but I'm working to do just that. We hope to have official information from the studio about The Hunger Games trailer very soon.

3. Hunger Games hairstyles inside-out
InStyle magazine is managed to get the head of the film depatment, Linda Flowers to unveil the secrets of the hairstyles of the casts that is surely extreme, by the descriptions in the books. See the whole at news.instyle.com

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