Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

Hunger Games Unofficial Side Videos

After the release of the official trailer, fans are getting ideas of making the side videos out of it. Even most of them are production houses such as Mainstay Production, Evil Iguana Production, and many more. They have created fabulous, and some of them hilarious, videos that is posted on YouTube. They are: 1. Hunger Games-Harry Potter Trailer Mash-up Uploaded by Pezzy666333 , it is a mash-up between Hunger Games Trailer and the movies of Harry Potter series. I won't tell you anything about this, so just watch this. 2. Hunger Games Trailer Spoof One word. Hilarious. Created by Evil Iguana, this is a super-duper mega awesomey spoof with brilliant sets and hilarious actors. If you observe it wisely, the voice of Katniss's role in this is very similar with the original...

Kamis, 24 November 2011

The Debut Pictures of The 74th Hunger Games Tribute

Wanna know how all of Katniss' rivals in the book looks? In the  trailer, we found a new hashtag, #HeadForTheSquare, that will lead us to's Facebook page. Check it, and find out. But, that's not really advised. Because they're already in front your eyes, aren't they? Several tributes are still unnamed, though. But no worry, you'll know it after you read The Hunger Games Tribute Guide that will be launched in February 2012. ...

People Magazine Released Some New Photos of The Hunger Games

 After the trailer, there are some pictures from itself and the set of The Hunger Games released by People Magazine. Started from Katniss and Gale talking in the woods. Then, Katniss' stage moment at The Reaping with Effie Trinkett, a stills showing Haymitch, Peeta, and Cinna together, until Gary Ross, the director himself. Elizabeth Banks credits the crazy hair that helped her get into character as Effie Trinket in The Hunger Games movie. "I would be in the hair and makeup trailer and I was Elizabeth, and then the wig went on and very suddenly I was Effie," Banks told People magazine. "Every day...

Selasa, 15 November 2011

The Hunger Games Official Trailer

Good Morning America has debuted the official trailer of The Hunger Games at Monday, Nov 14, 08.00 a.m. It is 02:30 in duration, and Lionsgate has confirmed that it'll be featured in the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part 1. The movie itself will have a premiere at November 18. No more chit-chatting, here we go. The Hunger Games trailer. ...

Rabu, 09 November 2011

Recents of The Hunger Games

Some news are brought to you this week from our beloved series, The Hunger Games. Including: Katniss' new still, issue about The Hunger Games official trailer, and the hairstyles of the casts revealed by the head hairstylist herself. 1. Katniss is shooting her bow  Her outfit is the same as what she wore in the picture shows herself and Gale sitting in the forest. 2. The Hunger Games trailer in Breaking Dawn is now being issued It's a theory that fans of The Hunger Games have been tossing around for months now -- and it's looking more likely that the first full-length trailer for The Hunger Games will, indeed,...

Kamis, 03 November 2011

Another Hunger Games Unofficial Companion Book to be Released

Smart Pop Books, the publisher of The Girl Who Was on Fire, is now working on another Hunger Games unofficial companion book, titled Panem Companion. The Panem Companion is described as an unofficial guide to the series by Suzanne Collins, "From Mellark Bakery to Mockingjays." The book, by V. Arrow, is set for release in December 2012, however a sneak peek will be made available in January. According to Smart Pop, the new book will include "a full lexicon of character name etymologies and an updated, fully illustrated, fold-out reference map of Panem." Arrow will also explore "how Panem could have evolved from the America we know...

New Gorgeous Photos of Hunger Games Cast Members

As our wait towards the upcoming adaptation movie gets more heart-pumpin', Vanity Fair released some gorgeous stills of Hunger Games young actors. Not only the trio of Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, and Liam Hemsworth is there, they also include: Jackie Emerson, Isabelle Fuhrman, Dayo Okeniyi, Alexander Ludwig, Jack Quaid, Leven Rambin, and Amandla Stenberg. The interactive photo lets you scroll over the image to learn about each actor's character and their reactions to landing their coveted roles in The Hunger Games. Here are a few highlights. Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss): I auditioned, which was a long process...

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Amazing FanArt of The Hunger Games Using the Character Posters


Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Hunger Games Official Character Posters Unveiled!

Again, Lionsgate shocked us by attacking us with the posters of the Hunger Games characters. They are unveiled in hi-def and spread over to different sites. Check all them out at Katniss at Yahoo! MoviesPeeta at MTV  Gale at MoviefoneRue at Teen.comCato at MSN MoviesHaymitch at IGNEffie at EW.comCinna at Fanda...

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Foods of The Hunger Games

Have you read The Hunger Games yet? Know the foods within? Yeah, maybe you didn't observe the details, but the foods that are mentioned in the three books make me hungry for some reason. Sometimes, i wonder what they look like and wanna make them, but don't know how and what is needed. One day, i found a website that fulfills my wish, It contains the foods in our favorite books, movies, games, TV shows, comics, and any fictions, with recipes included. Or maybe, miniature foods of the fiction's objects. For example, Harry Potter's Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans and Sorting Hat Cakes , Remy's Ratatouille in Ratatouille, and of course, The Hunger Games. The food menu that is described in there is: Peeta's Burnt Bread (that he gave to Katniss when they were 11) Lamb...

Minggu, 25 September 2011

Hunger Games: Panem October!

More good news, fellas! If you are disappointed about your #WhatsMyDistrict result at, don't worry. There's another chance for you to get your dream district. It's Panem October! Although it is officially launched at October 1, we still can do something with it. You can register youself for the 74th Hunger Games, make your own Panem ID, give it your picture and even be friends with Katniss, Peeta, Effie, and President Snow! Well, i am registered to be that district citizen, but that's okay. I am now friends with Katniss and Peeta, anyway. So, don't wait too much, and register now by clicking this butto...

Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Hunger Games Latest Pictures


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